About Seasons of Noah

About Seasons of Noah

As it was in the days of Noah, so also shall the days of the coming of the Son of Man be. This is written in Matt 24:37-39 and Luke 17:26. By this Scripture under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the name Seasons of Noah was birthed. The world is now in the seasons of Noah. The coming of the Lord is at the doors. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who also is the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS have sent us to testify to all that dwell on the earth concerning His very soon coming for His people. He has commanded us to call all men to repentance from sin and warn them to flee the wrath to come. He has sent us to make ready a holy people prepared for the Lord. This is the commandment we have received from Him and we must finish the work He has given us. We shall be here on the earth until these works shall be complete. When all these things shall be finished in His sight, then we shall go to Him that sent us.

With this mind and calling from the Lord, we speak and write as one having authority, the one we have received from Him that sent us. We speak only as it is written in the WORD OF GOD, THE BIBLE. We believe the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God, perfect and without error, and the authority on which we base our faith, conduct and doctrine. We believe that any doctrine or teaching not written in the Word of God or contrary to the Word is not from God. It is either from man or from that crooked serpent, the devil. We encourage everyone that will visit this site to take heed to all that we have written on this site in the name of the Lord our GOD who sent us. They will come to pass because God has already declared them in His Word, the Bible. Many things we have written on this website are from the Lord and He alone must be glorified in them. The Lord has also commanded us to speak with HIS AUTHORITY any word we have heard from Him. He has warned us not to be afraid at what men will say neither should we be dismayed about their faces nor their demeanor. We have been commanded to speak as we have been sent. For as it is written: How shall they preach except they are sent? He whom the Lord has sent speaks with the Lord’s authority for he has been sent. We have not come by ourselves but He has sent us. And He who sent us is with us in this and bears witness to many that He sent us. Therefore we speak not as pleasing unto men but unto God who tries our hearts. This we do so that the faith of everyone that will read these things will not stand in the wisdom and revelation of any man but in the power of God which is in Christ Jesus. We encourage people to visit this website and share these messages with others for their time is at hand.

SeasonsOfNoah teaches sound doctrine spanning the entire Bible but with primary focus on the coming of the Lord at the rapture of the church. We believe the coming of the Lord is now at the doors. The Lord has revealed this to us and our true eyes have seen Him. It will not be long. Because He will come at the very hour that men think not, we exhort everyone to please prepare, watch, and be ready. Live above sin daily and momentarily so the Lord does not come suddenly and find leaven in you.

SeasonsOfNoah belongs to the Lord and He has committed it into the hands of Michael & Bunmi Fadahunsi to tend and keep it. Michael is an Engineer by educational background while Bunmi is a Finance Analyst. They currently reside in Houston, Texas with their son.



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