About Seasons of Noah


There are some works which the Bible classifies as works of the flesh. Any one that claims to be a Christian and belongs to the Lord MUST not have these works in him. The Bible declares that it is for the reason of these works that the wrath of God comes upon the children of disobedience (Eph 5:6, Col 3:6). If any man has these works in him, he cannot and will not see the Lord except he repents and forsake these works. These works of the flesh are mentioned in Gal 5:19-21, 1 Corinth 6:9-10, Rev 21:8, 22:15. They are:

  1. Adultery & Fornication meaning unlawful sexual relations between a man and a woman, single or married (Matt 5:28, 32, 15:19, Mk 7:21, John 8:3).
  2. Uncleanness meaning whatever is opposite of purity; including homosexuality, sodomy, lesbianism, pederasty, and other forms of sexual perversion (Matt 23:27, Rom 1:21-32, 6:19, 2 Cor 12:21, Eph 4:19, 5:3, Col 3:5).
  3. Lasciviousness meaning licentiousness, lustfulness, unchastity, or lewdness; it is the promoting or partaking of that which tends to produce lewd emotions, anything tending to foster unlawful sex, sin or lusts. This is why many worldly pleasures have to be avoided by a believer so that lasciviousness is not committed.
  4. Idolatry meaning image worship; it includes anything on which affections are passionately set; extravagant admiration of the heart
  5. Witchcraft meaning sorcery, practice of dealing with evil spirits like a magician would do
  6. Hatred meaning bitter dislike, malice, ill-will against anyone, tendency to hold grudges or be very angry at anyone except evil
  7. Variance meaning any form dissension, discord, quarrelling, disputes that stems from unrighteousness and contrary to the Word of God
  8. Emulations meaning envies, jealousies, striving to excel at the expense of another, uncurbed rivalry spirit in business, society, and other fields of endeavor. It is otherwise called the pride of life (1 John 2:16)
  9. Wrath meaning indignation, fierceness, rage, determined and lasting anger
  10. Strife meaning disputations, angry contentions, strenuous endeavor to equal or pay back in kind the wrongs done to one.
  11. Seditions meaning divisions or stirring up of strife among people and parties
  12. Heresies meaning aberration from what is generally accepted to be right by the Scriptures
  13. Envying meaning pain, ill-will, or jealousy at the good fortune or blessing of another
  14. Murders meaning to kill, to mar or spoil the happiness of another; it also means hatred (1 John 3:15)
  15. Drunkenness meaning living intoxicated or given to drinking
  16. Revelings meaning lascivious and boisterous feastings with obscene music, and other sinful activities and pleasures. It also means rioting (Rom 13:13). Eph 5:4 mentioned filthiness or filthy communication, foolish talking and unclean jestings or jokes also as works of the flesh.
  17. Stealing and Robbery meaning taking unlawfully and/or secretly what does not belong to one with or without the use of force.
  18. Reviling meaning verbal abuse of others
  19. Effeminate meaning men who have womanlike traits to an inappropriate degree; wanting in manly strength or aggressiveness; especially marked with weakness, softness, and love of ease.
  20. Liars and Lover of lies meaning everything that is opposite of truth in any form.
  21. Fearfulness meaning cowardly, craven, miserable, wretched, unhappy. The root is lack of faith in God and His Word
  22. Unbelieving meaning faithlessness
  23. Dogs meaning False prophets and homosexuals (Deut 23:18, Isa 56:10-11, Phil 3:2, Rev 22:15)
  24. Disobedience meaning any form of refusal to do God’s will as revealed in His word. Not living and walking according to God’s commandments. Refusal to obey God’s words.
  25. Unrighteousness meaning every vice contrary to justice and righteousness (Rom 1:29)
  26. Wickedness meaning depravity, iniquity, wicked acting of the evil nature; criminal.
  27. Covetousness meaning intense lust of anything for personal gain (Rom 1:29).
  28. Maliciousness meaning the vicious disposition and desires, rather than their exercise
  29. Debate meaning to cause strife and discord. It is not the same as disputing for truth as in Acts 9:29; 15:2, 7:17:17; 19:8-9 (Rom 13:13; 1 Corinth 3:3; Phil 1:15; Rom. 1:29; 2 Corinth 12:20; Gal 5:20)
  30. Deceit meaning lying, falsity, guile, craft, subtilty (1 Thess 2:3; Rev 14:5; Mk 7:22; Mk 14:1; Mt 26:4)
  31. Malignity meaning a disposition producing evil habits. It means malignity of mind, which leads its victim to put the worst construction on every action; ascribing to the best deeds the worst motives (Rom 1:29)
  32. Whisperers meaning calumniators; secret detractors; those who pretend secrecy, and carry out accusations against men, whether true or false; blasting their reputation by clandestine gossip (Rom 1:29)
  33. Backbiters meaning evil speakers; false accusers; slanderers of absent men (Rom 1:30)
  34. Haters of God meaning hateful to God; atheists; condemners of sacred things; despisers of providence; scorners of good (Rom 1:30)
  35. Despiteful meaning insolent; stormy; boisterous; abusing the characters and persons of those under them; scornful; hateful (Rom 1:30)
  36. Proud meaning to indulge in pride or self-gratification; be exalted; elated; glory in self; display or strut self before others; undue sense of superiority; unnatural self-esteem; arrogance; wishing all men to receive their sayings as oracles while speaking contrary to God’s Word (Lk 1:51; 2 Tim 3:2; James 4:6; 1 Pet 5:5)  
  37. Boasters meaning self-exalted, vain, and arrogant braggarts (Rom 1:30, 2 Tim 3:2)
  38. Inventors of evil things meaning originators of wicked, immoral, and sinful customs, rites, and fashions; beginners of abominable religious orgies of Bacchus, the horrors of the arena, the debasing cruelties of cockpit; the degrading shows of the theatre, the gambling tables, etc (Rom 1:30)
  39. Disobedient to parents meaning rebellious against parents; indifferent to rule and order; irreverent (Rom 1:30)
  40. Without understanding meaning ignorant and destitute of capacity for spiritual things; stubborn (Rom 1:31)
  41. Covenant breakers meaning not morally bound to any agreement; not dependable; treacherous to covenants; faithless to promises; false to trusts (Rom 1:31)
  42. Without natural affection meaning destitute of natural affection; that is filled with desire for unnatural affection experiences with husband or wife or same sex partners in the homosexual and other sex deviation sins (Rom 1:31)
  43. Implacable meaning without libation (Rom 1:31)
  44. Unmerciful meaning pitiless; destitute of all benevolence to the needy; cruel; merciless; irreconcilable; severe; unappeasable; unforgiving; unyielding (Rom 1:31)
  45. Evil thoughts meaning evil surmisings, Imaginations, devisings, wanton, lustful, lascivious thoughts that becomes intent of the heart (Mark 7:21)
  46. An evil eye meaning an evil, covetous, envious, and corrupt desire and heart that are never satisfied (Mark 7:21, Pr 23:6-7; 27:20; Eccl 1:8; 1 Jn 2:16)
  47. Blasphemy meaning all profane, vain, trivial, light, and irreverent use of God’s name in ordinary life. It also refers to using God’s name in false religions, witchcraft, conjuring - any abuse of the sacred and holy name whatsoever. The right use of His name is confined to that which is sacred – prayer, praise, prophecy, teaching, worship, and communion with God and saints (Mark 7:21, Mal 3:16; Ex 20:7; Lev 24:10-16)
  48. Foolishness meaning folly, senselessness, foolishly, recklessness, thoughtlessness and any foolish talking and idle babbling that gender unto sin and uncleanness (Mark 7:22, 2 Corinth 2:11:1; 17; 21; Mk 7:21, Eph 5:4-6)



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