About Seasons of Noah





The burden of the Lord. And He said, ‘Go tell this people, hear ye indeed but understand not, see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart and be converted, and be healed. I have brought forth children and they have rebelled against me. The ox knows its owner and the ass his master’s crib but my children do not know, my people do not consider. They have willingly transgressed My Word and stamped upon it. They have forsaken the Lord in all their doings, and have provoked the same one that redeemed them with His blood. They provoke the holy one to anger and they are gone away backward. They pray, yet they transgress My Word; they worship and say they love me, yet they do not keep my commandments; they lie before me day and night, rejecting my will and doing that which they desire. My spirit shall strive with them a little longer and thereafter I shall come upon them in mine anger. In the days of my wrath they shall all tremble and seek to hide in the rocks and mountains, from the wrath of Him who sits on the throne and His lamb. And in that day, who shall be able to stand?

Woe unto them that rise up in the morning that they may continually drink wine and become inflamed by it; that revel with music, wine, and food after the pattern of: Eat, drink and be merry, disregarding the work of Jehovah, and having no considerations for His salvation and blessings. They claim to know my ways but yet do not seek me in the day and night seasons as I have commanded them. They read my Words but they do not understand because they already grieved my spirit in their disobedient ways and sinful pleasures. My people are gone into captivity because they have no knowledge of me. And yet they do not know it. Tell them son of man. Tell them what the Kings of Kings and Lords of Lords has said. It is my burden and I have laid it upon you to tell them. Many of them have profaned my coming. They have even drawn iniquity with cords of vanity and sin as it were with a cart rope. They say, let Him make speed and hasten His work, that we may see it; let His counsel and judgment draw nigh and come, that we may know it! They have called evil good and called good evil. They have even put darkness for light and light for darkness. And put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. They have become wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight and yet they do not fear me. Is it not written that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and a good understanding have all they that do his commandments? Repent, all of you that hold my truth in unrighteousness and enjoy the pleasure of sin. For yet, the day of my indignation come quickly, whence my anger is kindled upon all the people that have transgressed my Word. I will stretch forth mine hand and strike them. In that day, their hills will tremble and their carcasses shall be torn in the midst of the streets. And for all this, my anger will not be turned away but I will stretch forth my hand still. I will punish all them that do unrighteousness and have pleasure in sin. Even many of my children shall be among them, because they have cast away the law of the Lord and despise the Word of the holy one, the Word that redeemed them.

I am coming for my children and behold I come quickly. He that hath an ear let him hear. And he that doth refuse to hear let him not hear. Many shall experience great sorrow in the day that I come to take my children from the earth so I can judge all the earth for her sins. And the day is at hand. Ah! It is even at the doors. Before that day, many shall be purified and be made white but also, many shall fall away into transgressions for they have rejected my truth that I have sent them. How then shall I not judge them in the days of my indignation? Surely, and assuredly, they shall not escape if they do not repent.

Many of My children are already taken over by worldly things. They pursue riches, prosperity, pleasures, and even associate with the ungodly. They even say that the time of my coming is not yet. They have corrupted themselves with doctrines that have not come from me. Even their leaders and the men that should teach them the truth, the same have led them astray and made many of them unprepared for my coming. They enjoy this world more than me because they lack the knowledge of all that I have prepared for them in my kingdom. Many of them seek me, but yet their hearts are far from me. They seek me because of their needs. They want me to bless them and yet they do not have their hearts with me. They claim they are of me but do not listen to the one whom I have sent to them. Yes, a prophet is without honor in his country and among his own people but still, all my sheep do hear my voice. If any man does not hear my Words and eventually fall away in the end, it is because he is none of my sheep. Hear me children, I am coming for my own and you must all prepare. If any man says my hour is not yet come and yet I come, the same I will judge. And all men that have led my people astray and even made them not to prepare for my coming will I also judge. Yes. I will enter into judgment with all of them and none shall deliver them from mine hand.

I have sent many of my children to testify to my people that I am coming for them sooner than they think and yet many do not believe. They argue and say ‘how can the Lord’s coming be at hand and we do not know it? How can the Lord come without many preaching about it so we can all know and be ready?’ Come out of your ignorance and listen to my prophets. I am coming and I have sent many men among you to declare same message but yet you are not listening. Because the evil one has sealed your hearts and blinded your eyes. Receive my truth today and be healed of your blindness and be cured of your deafness. For surely in the days of my wrath I will ask of you these words that you have heard so that my righteousness is revealed amongst you; amongst all that have rejected my Words.

Only about 20 percent of the churches are putting me first; the rest are worrying about what people say and how much money they will have. Many churches are not concerned about reaching out to lost souls at all. That is the most important thing to me. And many do bring new souls to me and yet refuse to teach them the foundation of their new faith so they do not fall away shortly. Is it not written that if the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? If many of my disobedient children do not wake up, they will not hear the trumpet sound, and they will go through the tribulation. I have given enough warning for my people to know what I want them to do for so long. I cannot wait forever for those who don’t want to be ready for me. I am coming for those who are ready for me and this will happen sooner than they expect.

Whoever is ready, prepared, and waiting for my coming will hear the trumpet sound; for no man can be waiting for my coming and not seek me diligently to please me and obey all my Words so he can partake of my kingdom. Those who are not ready for me will go through the tribulation and many of them will become Satan’s. Many shall even take his mark, his name, and the number of his name. These shall fall into eternal damnation for there is no repentance for whoever that shall receive the mark of the Wicked one. Behold I have already warned you. Prepare children! Prepare for me, for I come quickly. I have given enough chances for people to prepare for my coming but they don’t pay attention to my words. I will not wait for them forever. I am coming for those who are ready for me and it shall not be long.



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